Hello and welcome to my positive world. I am creator and founder of Bear On Me and Scented Ceramics. I follow my heart and do what I love – it's my key to happiness. Creation is such pleasant game and you are more than welcome to play it together.
Photo: Joana Burn Photography
You are invited to explore my two projects: Bear On Me which is dedicated to positive hand painted apparel for adults and Scented Ceramics, which is about natural, hand made and scented jewelry pieces.
Bear On Me is a unique, different and creative brand of apparel with a reflection of only positive vibes. Each piece of exclusive Bear On Me apparel is only hand painted and suitable for everyone with no limits of age. Every single creation is borne by a particular touch of hand and heart. Each piece of painted character is exclusive and the only one of a kind. Painted characters are as unique as you are. As you won’t find the same you in this world, you won’t find the same Bear On Me piece you are planning to friend with.
Scented Ceramics was borne out of longing to surround oneself with a beauty not only visually, but more emotionally. Particular hand made ceramic elements set to a pendant, necklace pieces, bracelets, hairbands, brooch and scented with essential oils are ready for a beauty adventure with you and your emotions.
So let's play and enjoy. Are you with me?
Yours, Lina